Our work
Access Room Proposal
In 2022 we wrote a proposal for Access Rooms for University of Adelaide students across all campuses. After working with staff to make this a reality, the first Access Room on the North Terrace campus opened in 2024.
Thanks to your responses to our feedback surveys, we are able to bring the experiences of students directly to the people who make the decisions. It is important to us that we create an environment where you feel safe speaking up, and we value confidentiality and trust above all.
Read more about Access Rooms and the rest of our proposal.
On Dit and Disabili-Dit
Check out the articles our committee members have written for Adelaide University’s student magazine On Dit through the regular special feature we established: Disabili-Dit!
Disabili-Dit: Accessibility at the SGM or the Elephant in the Zoom by Alexandra Sudlow-Haylett (May 2022)
by Shona Edwards (August 2022)
Disabili-Dit: Graduating Disabled by Alexandra Sudlow-Haylett (November 2022)
Papers, conferences and other events
Adelaide University Union Lunch and Learn: Accessibility at Events
‘Barriers to Accommodations: What you can do for disabled students’ By Shona Edwards and Orla Spurr
Presented at the Connect, Inspire, Share professional development event
Association for Academic Language and Learning (AALL)
February 2022
‘Out of Time: (Re)working disability employability’
By Shona Edwards and Alexandra Sudlow-Haylett
In the 2022/23 Special Issue: Recognising and Reconceptualising Ability: Reflections on Disability and Employ-Ability
Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability